Can I Change My Breast Implant Size?

Our patients often ask us if it’s possible to change the size of their implants safely. At the Maryland Institute of Plastic Surgery, we have a range of surgical techniques available to help refine your results and achieve the breast size, shape, and contour you’ve been dreaming of.

Women come to us looking for an implant makeover for several reasons, primarily due to changing tastes, lifestyles, and occasionally due to medical or aesthetic concerns. If you think it’s time to start loving your breasts again, our team of expert board-certified plastic surgeons can help.

We have a variety of breast revision options to either increase or decrease your implant size, all while maintaining the highest quality of materials, and ensuring a safe and minimal recovery. Our approach focuses on creating a one-of-a-kind surgical procedure catered to your unique anatomy and goals.

Whether you’re hoping to improve the results of an initial augmentation, mix things up due to personal taste, reduce back pain when exercising, or address any irregularities caused by capsular contracture or biopsy, the Maryland Institute of Plastic Surgery can help.

Achieving the Breasts of Your Dreams

We understand that how you feel about your breasts can permeate your confidence. Having breasts you absolutely adore boosts your self-esteem and allows you to bring your most confident self into any situation at home, at work, or anywhere in-between.

The majority of our breast revision patients come to us hoping to feel amazing in their bodies again. Thanks to modern medical advances, our team can make your dreams reality. If you’ve noticed any unwanted changes due to time, age, or unexpected complications, breast revision offers the chance to rejuvenate and restore your breasts however you like. This procedure effectively addresses breasts that have moved close to the sternum, skewed towards your underarms, or “bottomed out” hanging lower than you’d like.

Similarly, if you’ve begun to live a more fit and physically active lifestyle, your initial augmentation may no longer make sense. Many of our patients complain of back pain, especially when running. Luckily, by downsizing a bit, you can still benefit from a feminine and supple breast contour while reducing any unnecessary weight on your spine.

Schedule a Consultation Today

If you think now’s the time to change up your implant size, the next step is to schedule a consultation at our Baltimore, MD office. This way, we can meet in person to discuss all the available options and assess your medical history, initial augmentation, and anatomy before building your treatment plan.

Deciding to undergo implant revision is a big choice, and we’re here to help provide all the information, support, and skill necessary to ensure your confidence and comfort. Bring any questions you have to us, and we’ll help you understand the ins and outs of this treatment.

If you’d like to schedule a consultation, please give us a call at 410-744-0900 or contact us online today.