Believe or not, more and more people are actually gifting plastic surgery for the holidays. For some, plastic surgery is the perfect gift. It might be something they might appreciate, but never give for themselves. Or, it could be something that someone has wanted for a long time but have never committed to for various reasons. If you’re considering giving plastic surgery as a gift to a loved one, then you should know that this is a gift that should be handled with great care and consideration. Like any gift, it should be given for the right reasons. If you’re considering it, then let’s explore some of the most common reasons why people gift plastic surgery during the holidays:
The Graduation Present
Not surprisingly, plastic surgery is becoming an increasingly common graduation present. To many parents and grandparents everywhere, the transition between college and the workforce is the perfect time to undergo a procedure. Plastic surgery can help a young graduate feel more confident and self-assured as they enter the next phase in their life—an intimidating prospect for any person. That transition also allows the student to meet a whole new environment and set of peers—the perfect conditions for reinvention.
The Gift of Confidence
Childhood is a critical time for everybody, which is why so many parents put time and energy into giving their children happy, stable environments. Unfortunately, some children do experience bullying or self-consciousness because they feel different from other children—enough that their patients gift them with a cosmetic procedure to regain some confidence and self-assurance. It’s more common than people think; in fact, one study showed that 14% of all rhinoplasty patients are between the ages of 13-19. While younger patients will need to wait until the area being treated has fully matured, they’ll still have the rest of their childhood to enjoy a more balanced, normalized appearance—and that’s reason enough for many parents that just want to ensure their child’s happiness.
A Long-Awaited Gift
You know your loved ones quite well; off the top of your head, you can probably list their hopes, dreams, and yes, the things that concern them. That’s why when most people gift plastic surgery, it’s for something the recipient has wanted for years. Surgeons stress that, to be a candidate for plastic surgery, you need to have realistic expectations for what plastic surgery can do. Plastic surgery won’t solve your emotional, romantic, or other life issues, but, by helping you solve a problem that’s bugged you for years, it might help you achieve confidence and peace of mind. If your loved one has always shown intent to get this procedure, then it’s a good sign that plastic surgery might be a good gift.
A Present for Yourself
Sometimes, you just need to do things for yourself. This holiday season might just be the best time to give yourself what you’ve been waiting for. If you’ve always wanted a certain procedure or wanted to fix a problem that’s been bugging you for years, then why wait for someone else to give you the change? And think of it this way: if the holiday season is all about treating your loved ones, then don’t forget about giving yourself what you want.
Some Tips for Gifting Plastic Surgery
Giving plastic surgery is becoming more common, but let’s not pretend that it’s not complicated. How do you know it’s the right gift to give? When is it appropriate to suggest? We’ve gathered a few tips to guide you on when and when not to give plastic surgery as a gift:
- If your loved one has never suggested getting plastic surgery, don’t suggest it. It might hurt their feelings.
- A good gift would be an appointment for a consultation with a surgeon and a promise to pay for a future procedure.
- Don’t choose the surgeon for your loved one—do lots of research, talk to lots of surgeons, and let them choose.
- Never arrange the surgery beforehand. Always make sure your loved one has had a consultation before going forward to scheduling the plastic surgery procedure.
- Pre-paying for a nonsurgical procedure like BOTOX® is also another good, less complicated option for giving the gift of plastic surgery
The best gift you can give a loved one? A procedure from a practice they can truly trust. If you’re looking for the best surgeon to perform any procedure, make sure to get a practice with board-certified surgeons, good ratings, and extensive experience performing plastic surgery procedures. In other words, find them an esteemed practice like The Maryland Institute of Plastic Surgery. To explore your options for giving plastic surgery for the holidays, contact the Maryland Institute of Plastic Surgery to schedule a consultation. Talking to an expert plastic surgeon will help you plan this thoughtful gift for you or your loved one.