Let Liposuction Support Your 2020 Resolutions

A brand-new year is rapidly approaching, which means it’s time to start thinking about what goals you’d like to set for yourself in 2020. Many people commit to lifestyle changes like fitness and diet, especially coming out of the self-indulgent holiday season. However, research shows us that new habits are challenging to stick to, which is why so many of us abandon our well-intentioned resolutions shortly after making them.

Why is it so challenging for us to keep our New Year’s resolutions? For one thing, you may have set unrealistic expectations for what you can do. It’s all well and good to tell yourself, “This is my year to finally get washboard abs,” but if you are genetically predisposed to accumulate fat around your abdominal region, all the planks, crunches, and side bends in the world won’t help you reach that goal. Liposuction is a procedure that can help remove unwanted bulges of exercise-resistant fat, contouring your body into the physique you desire.

Why Can Liposuction Support Your Goals?

As the saying goes, three is the magic number. Our plastic surgeons often tell patients to think of liposuction as the third piece of the puzzle that completes the duo of exercise and nutrition.

We like to highlight the distinction between liposuction and other surgical techniques designed to help obese people shed pounds rapidly. Liposuction is not a weight-loss procedure, primarily because there are limits to how much fat a qualified plastic surgeon can safely remove during surgery. Your weight on the scale probably will not change very much, if at all, after your liposuction procedure.

The best candidates for liposuction, therefore, are healthy men and women who are already at or close to their ideal body weight, but who still struggle with pockets of fat in areas such as their upper arms, stomach, butt, thighs, and back.

Liposuction Is a Great Motivator

One reason people often cite for abandoning their fitness and diet goals is that they get discouraged when they don’t see their desired results quickly enough. It can be incredibly frustrating to put in hours of effort on the treadmill and in the weight room, only to look in the mirror and realize the toned body you have been envisioning is still eluding you.

If you have areas of your body that remain flabby, no matter how hard you work, you probably have your family heritage to thank. Stubborn body fat that sticks around and defies your efforts to shape and tone your silhouette is usually something that runs in families. The good news is, you probably have a six-pack hidden under all that flab, thanks to your hours of training and dedication. Liposuction can help you find it.

Though we do ask that you refrain from strenuous exercise for up to four weeks after your surgery, once you have healed, you will probably be so inspired and excited about the new contours that you rediscover your enthusiasm for your healthy diet and fitness routine.

Boost Your Self-Esteem Through Plastic Surgery

When you have trouble spots like love handles, a muffin top, “man boobs,” or thunder thighs, it can make you feel self-conscious in intimate moments. Instead of focusing on time spent with your partner, you can’t stop hearing the inner voice telling you to suck in your stomach or hide under the covers. You may also resist wearing a swimsuit or undressing in the locker room at your gym. Some people are so unhappy with their bodies that they avoid looking at themselves in the mirror as much as possible.

Liposuction surgery can restore your self-confidence and enable you to live a happier, healthier, and more anxiety-free life overall. Many of our patients report a mood boost after they have fully recovered from their surgery and are able to show off the results to the world.

Liposuction Results You’ll Love in 2020 and Beyond

If you are considering liposuction to help support your 2020 resolutions, reach out to us at The Maryland Institute of Plastic Surgery. Our surgical team loves helping people discover the toned, athletic physique that awaits them as a reward for their dedication to diet and exercise.

For your convenience, we have two offices in Maryland: one in Baltimore, and our satellite facility in Columbia. We invite you to call us today and schedule a liposuction consultation with one of our four board-certified cosmetic surgeons. We look forward to working with you to meet your goals in the new year.