Tummy Tucks Can Lead to Long-Term Weight Loss

If you are moderately overweight and considering getting a tummy tuck to remove excess fat and skin from your abdominal area, there’s good news you should know. According to the results of a study published in a recent issue of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery®, the official medical journal of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, a tummy tuck surgery may be responsible for helping people achieve “significant and lasting weight loss.”

The study examined 20 women who were overweight before having an abdominoplasty procedure performed, and determined that 14 of them exhibited sustained weight loss one year after their surgery, having decreased in weight by an average of 4.5 percent of their pre-tummy tuck body mass index. The remaining six experienced a certain degree of weight loss soon after having the procedure, but did not successfully keep the weight off for the long term.

Why Might Tummy Tucks Help Patients Lose Weight?

Though researchers note the results of this initial study are not conclusive, and that it will require additional studies with larger sample sizes to determine the effects of tummy tuck surgeries on weight loss, the research is promising for several reasons.

First, this study seemingly supports the idea that removing fat cells from the body can help people feel full sooner, which means they will naturally eat less. Three-quarters of the women who participated in the study said they felt fuller after eating and that their satiety lasted throughout the day. Out of the 14 women who experienced long-term weight loss, 12 of them had more than four pounds of tissue removed during their tummy tuck surgery.

Another reason to be optimistic about these results is that more people are candidates for an abdominoplasty than they are for a surgery like a lap band or gastric bypass, which is designed to help morbidly obese people lose weight rapidly. For those who have struggled to lose weight, but do not meet the specific criteria to qualify for bariatric surgery, a tummy tuck may be a better option.

Who Is Qualified for Tummy Tuck Surgery?

Though a tummy tuck is not intended to be a weight loss surgery, it can complement a healthy lifestyle for those who are trying to shed those last few pounds that won’t seem to go away on their own. If you have already been following a workout and diet plan to reach a stable body weight, you are an excellent candidate for tummy tuck surgery. Other qualities you should have if you are considering getting an abdominoplasty procedure include:

  • Good mental and physical health
  • Being a non-smoker
  • Having unwanted skin and fat in your abdominal region

Tummy Tucks Provide Motivation to Maintain a Healthy Body Weight

If you have had trouble sticking to a healthy diet and exercise regimen, abdominoplasty surgery can provide the boost you need to shake up your routine and spark the desire to achieve your weight loss goals. Carrying unwanted body fat and skin on your abdomen can be frustrating, and it can be easy to fall into the trap of thinking you will never be able to lose the weight on your own – especially if you have stubborn, exercise-resistant fat.

However, many people find cosmetic surgery changes their lives for the better by providing the impetus they need to make a fresh start. When you look in the mirror and feel proud of what you see, it can give you a newfound sense of freedom that inspires you to maintain your results through committing to getting your health and fitness on the right track. Once you renew your promise to yourself, you may even earn those defined abdominal muscles you’ve always dreamed of having.

Tummy Tuck Results in Baltimore and Columbia

The Maryland Institute of Plastic Surgery maintains two offices for your convenience. If you are considering the benefits of a tummy tuck surgery for helping you lose weight and keep it off, contact us to set up a confidential consultation with one of our four qualified, board-certified cosmetic surgeons.